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2 Réponses
383 Vues

This is such a great program. However, I get warnings on my MacBook Air that it ran out of application memory. It's pulling over 18 gigs of memory. I will be using the program in places where access to wifi is not possible, so I need it to have the sound files on hand (loaded). How can I keep the sound files to load instantly and not overload my little computer?


I still find that sounds are not inheriting the default settings. For example, if set the default to “Stream”, when I drag a new sound onto the board, it does not inherit that setting. 


On the main options, there is a "Stream sounds" option. This will make the program read the sounds on the fly and remove the need to pre-load them but as a trade-off it is a bit less fast when launching a sound.
Note, that you can also activate only that option on specific sounds if you want.


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