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1332 Vues

I have used SoundShow in an real event for the first time on the last november. The software is great, and Laurent was very kind fixing a bug "on the fly" before the show!

The feature I ask for is a checkbox in video properties for stopping the playback of a video on the last frame. The actual behaviour is that video player goes to black at the and of a video.

This feature will be very useful when, in a show, you play a video that is an intro for an artist. The intro reveals the name of the artist and ends showing the name. If you play the video and want that the artist name remains on the screen, the player must not go to black at the end of the video, but instead it must stop on the last frame.

I don't know how to attach a video example for an artist. Is it is possible, I will do.
Thank you very much.


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