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Cette question a été signalée
1 Répondre
713 Vues

For audio files that support loop markers in the file, such as .wav, a useful feature would be a loop mode which plays the selected file up to the end of the loop marker, then loops the audio between the markers.  A stop action would be to then play the file past the end of loop marker to the end. 

So, for example, you could have single file that includes a machine starting up, a looping section of the machine running designated by markers in the audio file, and then the machine shutting down when the sound is deactivated.


Thanks for suggestion,
Yes looping between two markers would be an improvement and something that Sound Show is currently missing compared to some other software

Edit: Markers have been implemented and also looping between markers (with loop count). It not currently directly retrieved from the audio files but need to be configured in Sound Show 


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