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Cette question a été signalée
2 Réponses
672 Vues

Last weekend we started using Soundshow for our hobby-theatre-group.
While the actors are talking, we would like to automate the music ducking, reducing the global volume.
I know this could be done by by pressing the spacebar, but during longer dialogues, we would hold the spacebar for some time. Or we would manually reduce the main volume, but it also happened the FOH crew played the next soundtrack and forgot to increase the volume again before.

My idea was to use our (ZED22FX analogue) mixing console to put the post fader microphone signals to the PC USB interface.
I created a small python script to continously meassure the PC input source and then press "space".
There is a Vox On threshold to trigger the ducking if the mic signal exceeded this threshold value.
There is a Vox-Off theshold so if the level decreases the ducking is removed, but only after a hold time. This is to avoid bouncing. Typically Vox-On value is higher than the Vox-Off threshold.
All three variables, Vox-On-threshold, Vox-off-threshold and minimum-holdtime can be set by user.
This script works on my Windows11 Desktop, but unfortunately it does not work on our Theater groups Windows10 Laptop (I'm a professional software tester, but not a software developer :-))
I'd be happy to provide the script as example.

Best regards, Thorsten


Salut Laurent,
yes, this is correct. It will just work as the Low Volume Mode/Space bar, but with the PC Input device (Microphone) as trigger.

Best regards, Thorsten


Hello Thorsten,
That's an intersting idea.
Just to be sure I understand it right: you input the microphone of the comedian in Sound Show and if some volume (with threshold) is detected on it, it automatically lower the master volume of Sound Show. When below the threshold on the microphone for a time the master goes back to normal volume.
(Sorry for late answer)


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