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Cette question a été signalée
1 Répondre
99 Vues

SoundShow version:

  • 19.01.2025 Pro Linux

System specs:

  • Arch Linux xfce, 64G memory, AMD Ryzen 5 7600X

Steps to reproduce:

  • Open a project with many large sound files in it.
  • Enter edit mode.
  • Edit the settings of one sound file after the other, for example just change the left click behaviour.

Expected behaviour:

  • Nothing substantial is written to memory since you only change the settings.

Actual behaviour:

  • RAM fills up rapidly to the point of slowing SoundShow down to a crawl.
  • At least my system no longer freezes when SoundShow gets swapped, so the behaviour is still better than in the previous version.

Additional notes:

  • Leaving editing mode frees some memory, but only about 5% of the memory allocated during editing. Only restarting SoundShow entirely lets go of the RAM.


  • None.

I cannot tell whether SoundShow erroneously still loads the tracks into memory on edit (as a leftover behaviour from the previous version) or whether the thing that gums up my memory is loading the wave form (which could be resource intensive for large files). If it is the latter, then it would suffice to disable loading the wave form for files above a certain size, possibly a size to be specified in a user option.


The issue is probably effectivelty the waveforms that requires to fully loads sound, maybe it isn't correctly unloaded after and when having long sounds it may have impact. I'll look into it.
In the meantime, you can disable waveform autoloading by going in "Options" -> "Visuals" -> "Waveform"


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