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1 Répondre
99 Vues

Hello! I'm currently using the "playlist" feature to play pre-show music.

We have some separate 'welcome' songs (assigned to buttons) for when the host goes on stage. When a show starts, we're currently pressing "backspace" to fade out the playlist, and then clicking on the button for the song that we'd like to play. 

We thought that we could crossfade from the playlist to the song, so we set the song button default behavior to be "crossfade". This kind of works, but not in the way we'd expect. Essentially, when we have a playlist playing, and we click on a soundboard button:

  • The current item in the playlist fades out
  • The button sound starts playing
  • The playlist continues, moving on to the next item in the playlist, which plays on top of the button sound

When crossfading from a playlist to a button sound, we would prefer the playlist to pause until we continue playing it. Hopefully this makes sense!


You are totally right. The playlist should stop when crossfading from a button. The issue will be fixed in the next update coming soon.


Fantastic, thank you!

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