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540 Vues

I'm using SoundShow for village drama production.

With only3 weeks to opening night, I used soundfiles with no path as placeholder for when the real song / sound affect is sourced.
this allows me to block out Categories for my scenes and I can see quickly what I have missing.

This was all okay in previous build Dec 2024... but now you preload files.
my placeholder files now produce empty path error... on first upgrade it took me ages to figure out it was placeholder related and not project upgrade or something else.

How should I now handle Placeholder sounds (empty sound paths on purpose)?
or can you implement a Placeholder concept?



Hi Ian! Laurent will be able to give a better answer about whether a placeholder can be programmed, but perhaps you could use a 'dummy' file for now? You can use pretty much any file (for example, if you have any song mp3s on your computer, you could just choose one of those), and load that sound in as the placeholder for all of your sounds. You can then go ahead and change the name, color code, organize, etc, and then just change your path mapping once you have the actual file you want to use.


Thanks, now created a non-sound file to stop the bleeting about no file.

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