Hi I can get midi to work on 64bit , but using same controller on 32bit machine it wont work .
It's a 32bit laptop , controller works with other programs.
Have tried other midi controllers all work 64bit but not 32bit..
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Hi I can get midi to work on 64bit , but using same controller on 32bit machine it wont work .
It's a 32bit laptop , controller works with other programs.
Have tried other midi controllers all work 64bit but not 32bit..
Salut Laurent ! i'm trying to use my Korg nanopad midi controler with no success. Midi is enable in the software. It looks like the midi messages doesn't are not received by the app. Not a geek to follow the github procedure, what options do i have? Can't it be transparent like the daws for example or , this is a limitation from Unity? Thxalot fot your help !! nice job also !
All the best !
ok no problem thanks.
Sorry about that, I only added a version for windows 32 recently and didn't noticed that problem.
Sadly, for midi communication Sound Show uses a library that only support 64 bits platform (Minis: https://github.com/keijiro/Minis). So I probably won't be able to provide a change soon.
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