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Sound Show Remote

Sound Show Remote allows you to control your desktop Sound Show instance from an android phone. 

Interact remotely with your Sound Show :

  • Play items (sound, video...) : normal or crossfade
  • Pause, Resume or Fade out all items currently playing
  • Control the master volume
  • Execute the next instruction (GO button)
  • Navigate through all the categories and items

Sound Show Remote could be useful in different settings

  • You want to control sounds, video, lights directly from the stage
  • You want a second interface because your computer screen is used by other softwares
  • You want to interact through a simplified touch interface

How to use Sound Show Remote


On the computer

Start Sound Show Pro

Click on the Remote icon,  

This will open the "Remote control server" dialog

If you want you can set a specific port (could be useful if the default port is already used)

You can also set a password (recommended) to prevent someone else from sending commands to your Sound Show

You can now start the server by pressing the "Start" button

On your phone

Be sure that your phone and your computer are on the same local network, for example on the same Wifi.

When launching the Remote app on your phone, you start on the connect screen. 

You can can just press connect and the app will automatically find the your Sound Show instance

If the program has trouble finding the server, you can specify the IP adress to help it find the server

If you have set a different port on the server than the default one, you must specify it on the "Server Port" field.

If you have set a password on the server than the default one, you must specify it on the "Password" field.


The top part is a grid of button allowing you to play items on your computer version of Sound Show

The bottom part allows you to modify the control the way you do it

By clicking on the icons on the last row you can toggle on or off other rows.


If you click on the Navigation icon (the arrows going left and right), you can show the navigation row.

The arrows at the extremities  (double arrow icon) allow you to change the category

The arrows at the center (single arrow icon) allow to change the page inside the category


If you click on the Control icon (the gamepad icon), you can show the control row

The 3 firsts icons allow you to Pause, Resume or Fade out all sounds

The last icon allows you to switch between normal and crossfade mode


If you press the Volume icon, you can show the volume row

The button on the left allow you to set on or off the low volume

The slider allow you to change the master volume of Sound Show


If you press the instruction icon (bulleted list), you can show the instruction row

If there is a current instruction to be played in Sound Show, you have a green button with the text : "Go - Instruction Name". If you press it, the instruction will execute.

If there is no next instruction to play, the row is empty.


If you press the configuration icon, you will reveal two rows allowing you to change the number of columns and rows used to display the items.

You can set any number between 1 and 10. The change are saved and you will keep it after restart

Future evolutions

This is a first version of Sound Show remote. I'd like to add some more features to have better control.

I want to add :

  • Control of each player individually
  • See all the instructions and possibility to change the current instruction
  • See and control the playlist
  • ...