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신고된 질문입니다
1 회신
1659 화면

Is there a way to transfer the Folders and sound assignments to a spare computer without having to re-enter them manually into the spare computer?


Yes, there is a way to export/import libraries.
Go to the sound library view (the icon with a musical note on the top left)
Select the library you want to export
Click Export and select an output folder.
Sound Show will fill this folder with all the media files and make a library descriptor file inside it.

You can then copy this folder in another computer and import it.
To do that go again on the libraries view 
You will have to use the "Import" button.
And specify the json file in the copied folder, you will then have the library with all the sound configured the same way they were in the source computer

Note : currently only the libraries are exportable. General settings (like keyboard shortcuts) have no export methods yet.


Is it possible to get these general settings exported/imported one day?

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