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Hello again! Back with another feature request. 

It would be cool if we could have the same tab synced across different projects. Here is an example of a use case (we use SoundShow for live improv & sketch shows)

-We have a "pre-show" playlist of music that we play before a show starts

-We have multiple different projects, for different shows (some shows have their own dedicated projects with lots of sounds, others just our default soundboard)

-It would be useful to be able to update the "pre-show" playlist in one project, and have that be updated across all of the projects. (we have other uses for it beyond just the 'pre-show' as well, but that's a good example)

An alternative way that this could potentially be accomplished would be to allow us to enable and disable the different tabs, to choose what is displayed. So it would look something like this:

-We could have ALL of our shows in a single project

-On show night, we would open a menu in SoundShow that lists all of the tabs

-We would toggle the tabs that we want for that night ON, and toggle the other tabs OFF 

(that way, if there's tech that's specific to a certain show, and that show isn't performing that night, the tab will be hidden). This would allow us to clean up our sound board on a night-by-night basis.

The big picture goal is to use SoundShow in a way that allows us to have some music/sounds be available every night, and some music/sounds change from night to night.

Thanks for reading!


(whoops, meant to reply to your post below - ignore this)


Hello Sean,

You can already make some tabs visible/hidden. On edit mode, click the configuration button on a tab. Under Visual, there is a toggle "Is hidden". If you check it, you will only see the tab in edit mode, but it will be hidden on play mode.

The idea to have project composed of multiple sub-projects or the ability to load multiple projects at the same time is something that could be nice. But there practical details to figure out that may be tricky.

Thanks again for the suggestion ;-)


Awesome, I didn't realize that feature already exists! It was hiding right under my nose. That will suit my needs for now. Thank you for explaining!

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