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This is the only software I have found that does almost everything I want, but one thing that other soundboards have which SoundShow is missing is a non-fiddly way to stop specific tracks. I shall use an example, that will demonstrate my gripe best.

Let's say I am playing three layered tracks, A, B, and C. I want to fade out B and have only A and C playing. As far as I can tell, the only way to do that currently is to click the (very small) fade out button on track B on the left. Without a touch screen, and in a fast-paced situation, hitting that button is actually not that easy. There are two ways other soundboards solve this:

a) Right clicking the track B in the track grid on the right fades out all instances of B currently playing. I know right click currently fades in (?) the track; maybe give us the option to change this behaviour in the preferences? This would be my favoured solution since I know where each of my tracks is in the grid.

b) Right clicking track B in the "currently playing" list on the left fades it out. Clicking or right clicking the giant track panel currently does nothing; it might as well do something.

I hope this can be added in a future release to an otherwise excellent piece of software!


Thank you for the detailed post.
a) You can already change the behaviour of the right and left clicks with the buttons located on top of the soundplayers on the left part of the screen. By default left click is "Start" and right click is "Crossfade". You can make you right click to "Toggle" or "Toggle Fade". This will have the behaviour you described.
I hope this solve your issue.
Best regards,


Indeed, I had not seen that, thank you! That does exactly what I want.

Is there a way to make that the default behaviour for all newly imported tracks? Ideally, I would just like to change which settings are selected by default when I import a new track, since clicking through them for every track can be quite time consuming when you import lots of tracks for a new project.


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