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Just coming up to the opening night of our local village Pantomine.. eek
And its the first time in using Soundshow in anger, 
been really impressed with the ease of imports and creating and moving sounds... 
but we (I) do struggle with a couple of areas..

  1. The current Category highlight is not easy to see when quickly looking.
    On a default category Grey tile, the highlght is a little more obvious.

    WIBNI: It would be very obvious if you could add a tile boarder highlight ie Yellow (or custom colour) this way when youo have a bank of 18 categories the current one is more obvious.

2. The next is very similar... if the Current playing sound / tile could also have the edge border it would also scream out.. this one ... not not frantically looking for the play arrow on the tile


Hi Laurent
I found the new release on the day of our first production... 
and I quickly adopted this because ...
1. the Category thin balck inset border... very cool.
2. the menu layout changes.. it ment that I could get more space by hiding panels I don't use (at the moment)

all very positive.
just need to get a real track countdown now... ;)
the marked In / out of the track is played but th player countdown does not reflect the new track length


Thanks for the feedback.
The latest update has a more visible highlight (with a border) on the category.
I'll try to use the same border for a playing sound


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