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I'm trying to use Stream Deck with Sound Show Pro on Windows 11. I understand we are still waiting for integration however I read in this forum that it is possible to use through MIDI mapping?

Can anyone point me in the right direction for how to program MIDI buttons to trigger actions in Sound Show please?

Thank you!


I see you also asked on the discord server and that an other user answered you. 

I'll put back the info here for other people that would need it.

With midi, there is this plugin for streamdeck that you can download for free from the elgato marketplace : https://trevligaspel.se/streamdeck/midi/ 

To enable midi in Sound Show, you need to have the paid version (Sound Show Pro). Then you can you can in "Options" -> "Midi", and enable midi

You'll also need a virtual midi port (loopMidi if on Windows, IAC if on Mac), to route the MIDI intra-application on the same host)

LoopMidi on Windows: https://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/loopmidi.html 

IAC on mac https://support.apple.com/guide/audio-midi-setup/transfer-midi-information-between-apps-ams1013/mac

Here is a youtube tutorial for stream deck with midi to QLC+ (just adapt the end is different where you need to map in Sound Show rather than QLC+) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwZ7UMoyug0


To anyone else having this issue: LoopMidi is the answer to get Sound Show to communicate with the stream deck. The website it supports up to Windows 10 however, it works with Windows 11 as well.

Thank you Laurent and the community! Join the discord and happy Stream Decking!

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