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This might be a big request,  but I figured it's worth throwing out there:

Something that would be a huge addition is a Spotify integration.  We use Sound Show for comedy shows (improv and sketch), and we find ourselves switching between Spotify and Sound Show frequently. If there was a way to cut down on that, it would greatly improve our workflow. We mainly use Spotify for pre & post show music playlists,  and for improv scenes that require a very specific song. 

I'm not sure how helpful it is, but there's a free open source Unity plug-in for Spotify already:


There's a few different ways this could be implemented.  A full interface (where you can search for and select songs) would be the most robust version (and would be great for finding specific music for inprov scenes). But even a simple player (with just play/pause and volume) would be incredibly helpful.  And it would be super cool if we could crossfireade from Spotify to a SoundShow Sound (i.e. we have a pre-show playlist playing in Spotify,  and then we crossfade in SoundShow to a specify sound button we've set up in SoundShow)

Thanks for considering it!


Thanks for the explanation! That all makes sense. Appreciate you taking the time to reply!


Thanks for the suggestion. It is something I already considered and in fact I developped it to a clunky but working state (with the unity asset you referenced)

I didn't go further for multiple reasons:

- Spotify does not allow to play spotify for public or commercial use (https://support.spotify.com/mt/article/spotify-public-commercial-use/). So for many use cases of Sound Show it wouldn't be ok.

- The way to integrate is in fact by sending commands to spotify that would send them to the spotify player. This means that there are still many limitations of the spotify player that needs to be handled and it would be hard to have a really good experience

- But the real reason is that the conditions to use the developer api are way to restrictive. For example, you are not allowed to overlap a spotify sound playing with an other sound (or other media), you are not allowed to show spotify sounds side by side with sounds not from spotify ...

So, I understand how useful this feature could be, but currently I won't go in that direction. I'll probably try to add content to Sound Show from other sources



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