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102 ビュー

Love the new latest SoundShow update! It feels very sleek now. The ability to move and customize panels is really cool. 

Ideally, it would be great if users were only able to move panels around when in "Edit" mode though. I typically use "Edit" mode when I'm building and customizing SoundShow, and I'm not in "Edit" mode when I'm live at an event. If I'm using SoundShow at an event, I wouldn't want to accidentally move a panel to a different spot, so it would be nice if this was prevented unless explicitly in "Edit" mode.

Thanks for a great update!


Hello Sean,

Thanks for the feedback.

I hesitated if it should be always resizable or not. It is sometimes useful for me to be able to make quick adjustements to the size without additional clicks to go on edit mode, so I prefered to not restrict it to the edit mode. But I understand that this could lead to unwanted changes.

I'll add an option so that this behaviour could be configured. 


Thanks for considering it! I do understand the need to resize the windows on-the-fly, so I think it would make sense if that ultimately was always adjustable. My main concern is dragging the different panels around to rearrange them - that specifically feels more like an 'edit mode' feature

To avoid unwanted dragging, you can already hide the header of the panels while not in edit mode. You will find the setting in "Options" -> "Visuals". It hides the header excepts when there are multiple tabs. The option is only available in the Pro version.


Oh, fantastic - that's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for the help!


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