
Hello there, I'm Laurent Herbin, a software developer, improv enthusiast, and the creator of Sound Show.

💻 A software developper

My journey into software development began at a young age, with a keen interest in computers and a burning curiosity about how they worked. I loved playing games and tried learn how to create some. I wrote some small games for the calculator TI-83+ when I was 16 year old. This passion led me down the path of studying computer science at UCLouvain, and later, building a career in software development.

🎭 An improv comedian

I started practicing improv back in 2011 with the Fédération Belge d’Improvisation Amateur. In 2012, I co-funded the wonderful team  Oh My God Improv. I instantly fell in love with the spontaneity, creativity, and connection that improv brings.

🎶 Sound Show developper

When I was sound tech for the first times for improv shows, I was really frustrated with the existing solutions, I was struggling and could not do exactly what I wanted. I looked on the internet but couldn't find any software that would really fit my needs. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and I started Sound Show as a personal project to have a tool that would be both easy to use and versatile enough to accommodate the unpredictable nature of improv. 

Over the years, with plenty of late nights and iterations, Sound Show evolved from a rudimentary tool into this software that I'm truly proud of.

🕺Other passions 😸

When I'm not coding or performing on stage, you might find me dancing salsa or simply sleeping with my buddy cats around me.