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Just upgraded to make use of Waveforms for trimming sounds

But I have found that on various files I can use the Test Button to play the audio file based on the values I have entered ie start at 2sec and stop at 4sec

But for some reason I'm unable to use the Waveform bar.. 
The red current time is not moveable., play just does nothing.



Sorry for the issue.
I would need more information to help:
Do you have the issue with all sound files or just some ?
What is your operating system ? 
The version of Sound Show ?
If you want you can contact me through the contact form to more easily share informations by email (


I have upgraded ram from 8GB to 16GB (Win x64 laptop) and its become more stable...
I found a workaround , close and relaunch the Soundshow App... hencing I went down the ram route.

As you now preload audio files, will this cause me more issues with little ram ?

With the new version, sounds are not pre-loaded, they are directly read from the disk.
So RAM should not be an issue anymore.


ahh.. I miss-understood.. thats why waveforms are much slower to appear.
I can use Load feature to pre-generate waves ?

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