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Last night I almost blew my audience's ear drums. I have the global volume parameter set at 70 and that works well for audio. Unfortunately, all video tracks load st 100%. I tried efiting the parameters within the video clip (volume 70%) but that didn't work. Help!


Sorry for the issue you encountered.
Just made some test and  it  correctly takes into account the next sound volume or the pre-configured sound volume of the video. The master volume does not influence the videos.
What is your operating system and version of Sound Show ?
If you still have the issue, consider contacting me through the contact form. It will be easier if we need to exchange files to replicate the issue.


Hello, Laurent:
I figured out the problem on my own. I realized that the volume bar for the individual track ranges from 0 to 1, and not 0 to 100 (as it is on the main page).

I was inputting the desired start volume manually and set it at 70 (when it should have been 0.7)!

It might be an idea to also make that volume slider range from 0 to 100, rather than from 0 to 1.

Thank you for the great product!

thanks for the info.
In the next release this will be fixed. Volume for video will correctly go from 0 to 100 (rather than 0 to 1)


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