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I'm trialing SoundShow for our village drama group..  we currently use SoundPlant50 but we have out grown it and need tabs hence looking at SoundShow

Our needs are very basic... 
what I can't figure out is how to automatically stop / fade out a track when you take another.
At the momnet we don't need to mix multiple tracks... 
just stop what is playing when I take another track ...   the only way I can figure is to manually stop all and then take new track.

Please can you help me on my SoundShow jouney


You can make a cross-fade by making a right click on a button.
This will fade-out the currently playing sounds and fade-in the new sound. 
You can configure the cross-fade duration in the option.
You can change the actions of left and right click by pressing the buttons on the top left of the interface (by default it is "Start" and "Crossfade")



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