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I am a game master for several Role Playing Games and running online games in 2009. I quickly realized that it was a great opportunity to add a soundtrack to my games, be it music or sound effects to punctuate events in the game and increase immersion for my players. 

I have tried many tools to achieve these goals, and lately Sound Show has become my favorite tool for running games, both online and around a table. 

These are my favorite features:

- being able to import and organize my sounds very clearly

- being able to search a specific sound during a game (I have quite a collection and finding them could be challenging with other tools)

- being able to alter sounds on the fly or beforehand, adding echo or revert, altering the tempo, playing only part of the sounds, looping them... 

- Having a list of favorite sounds that are always accessible and visible.


Thanks a lot for the nice feedback ! :)


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