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1 Beantwoorden
1370 Weergaven

Hello, I want to say how great a help your software has been to my comedy/performance night in South London. It's made running audio cues very easy for my 71 year old sound man and helped make the show a real success.

Sadly the progam crashed last night before the show and I lost all of my loaded sounds, I've tried to reinstall the new SoundShow 3 and I'm getting a pop up from my Mac saying "SoundShow 3.app can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.

Can you help at all?

Thank you



When you try to open the software and get this error message, go in MacOs Systems Settings > Security And Privacy  and scroll down till you see the Software name and click "Open Anyway"

Should work


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