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Deze vraag is gerapporteerd
1 Beantwoorden
250 Weergaven

When editing sounds (I have the Pro version)
I can used the Waveform to trim, very useful..

but when I set up fade in / out the playback in Sound Editor does not play or show the fades 
Thus I must validate the setting, play in the real editor and go back to editor to modify.

Am I missing something ?

On the Sound editor being able to zoom in the the waveform would be great.. because the current waveforms are quite blocky, ... can we have SoundPlant style waves ;)


Those are good suggestions.
I note the following suggestions to improve the editor:
- Apply fades
- Show fades
- Zoom/move into waveform
To make things easier, in the current version, there is a test button above the waveform that behaves exactly like it will in real.


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