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Deze vraag is gerapporteerd
1 Beantwoorden
715 Weergaven


This program is great and I use it to play music in live performances in amateur theater. I would like to help with a suggestion for improving the program.

I have a suggestion for a fix.

When playing music, it is possible to restart the playback of music that is already playing. This is a bad option and sometimes at live performances the same song starts playing multiple times if you accidentally click on it. It is recommended to disable restarting music that is already playing.

In the new version (20241022) of the program, I do not see the Pan control, if it was removed it would be good to bring it back.


Thanks for the feedback
The Pan item was accidentally removed from the popup when it has been refactored, it will be added back in the next release. 
I'll add an option to prevent multiple launch a same element. 
Currently you can already use the option "Unload when launched" on the top left of the grid to prevent accidental double click


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