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I'm trying to use a Numark Party Mix with SoundShow Pro (midi). I found out that the left part of the controller sends out on channel 1, the right side on channel 2. Would be nice if there would be way to use the controller at full force: cue, pause, pitch etc... I know, this requires full midi implementation and must be quite a job :-) 

Another thing, when accidentally touching the left "plate/disc" on the controller, it seems to function as the F1-key, starting the F1-favourite sound ... quite annoying.

Maybe other users managed to use the Numark Party Mix...?

Many thanks for the great addition of midi already! Keep up the good work!



Thank you for your message. I know that my support of midi is quite basic at this time.
I will try to add more options to bind midi notes and controls, don't hesitate to list precisely the actions that you can't currently map and would like.
> Another thing, when accidentally touching the left "plate/disc" on the controller, it seems to function as the F1-key, starting the F1-favourite sound ... quite annoying.
Maybe you bound it to F1 accidentally. There was a bug in previous that made old configuration sometimes stay even after remapping an other key.

Thanks for the kind feedback,



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