Sound Tech for Improv Show

11 oktober 2024 in
Laurent Herbin

How I Use Sound Show to Manage Sound for Improvised Performances

In this video, I walk you through how I use Sound Show to elevate my improv performances. I’ll cover the preparation process and managing sounds during the show.

What is Sound Show?

Sound Show is an advanced soundboard software designed to simplify sound management for live performances. Whether you’re handling an improv show, a play, or any event requiring sound effects, it’s a highly adaptable tool. It comes with a free version and is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Now, let's dive into how I use Sound Show focusing on the key chapters of any performance.

Chapter I: Preparation

The preparation stage is crucial for any live show. Before the audience arrives, I spend time setting up various sound cues. For each performer’s entrance, I prepare dedicated sound instructions, making it easy to trigger them by pressing "Enter." This allows me to focus on other aspects of the show once it begins.

Additionally, I create a crossfade effect for these sounds. This ensures that when one sound is already playing, it smoothly transitions into the next one. I also add a drumroll sound for the show's finale, saving it in my favorites for easy access.

Preparation isn’t just about the sounds used in the show, but also setting the right atmosphere as the audience arrives. For this, I create a playlist of waiting music to build excitement and energy before the show begins. One key trick: always set the volume slightly higher during soundchecks since the audience absorbs some of the sound once they fill the room.

Chapter II: The Show

Once the performance starts, the real fun begins. The entrance music plays, and I’m ready with all my pre-planned sound effects. The Game Master introduces the performers, and I adjust the volume as needed. This is where Sound Show shines—it allows me to launch sounds quickly and effortlessly, letting me keep up with the fast-paced improvisation.

Scene I: Labor Dispute

In this tense scene, I used a "conflict" sound effect to match the intensity of the actors’ dialogue. I started it at a low volume, then gradually increased it as the scene progressed. As the mood shifted to a resolution, I faded out the conflict sound and introduced an epic hopeful track, aligning perfectly with the emotional change on stage.

Scene II: The Lumberjacks

For a forest setting, I prepared ambient sounds like birds and rustling trees. As the scene evolved, I introduced a simulated earthquake sound to represent a tree falling, adding depth to the scene's action. Since I didn’t have a specific sound effect for a tree falling, I improvised by using the earthquake effect, a great example of how improvisation extends even to the soundboard!

Scene III: Space

In this sci-fi-inspired scene, I set the tone with space-like sound effects, including eerie ambient music. During moments of action, I quickly triggered sound effects like "super speed" to match the space adventure feel. This allowed me to keep the atmosphere dynamic and engaging for the audience.

Scene IV: The Adventurer

The adventure scene featured a fanfare sound to introduce a princess character. With my sound effects ready to go at the right moment, I triggered the fanfare as soon as she stepped on stage. It was a great success, enhancing the audience's experience.

Chapter III: End of the Show

As the performance came to a close, I was ready with the drumroll for the final reveal of the evening's winners. Sound Show made it easy to keep the energy high until the very end. 

In this particular performance, I also used my time during quieter moments to pre-listen to sounds I might need later. That way, I was always prepared for any sudden changes in mood or action. Sound Show’s ability to loop sounds in the background while keeping the volume at zero was essential here—it allowed me to jump back to specific emotions or atmospheres quickly, whenever the improvisation called for it.

Why I Recommend Sound Show

Sound Show is indispensable for managing sounds in live performances. Its versatility, ease of use, and advanced features like crossfading, quick-launch commands, and looping make it a fantastic tool for any sound technician or performer. If you’re managing sound for a live show or event, this software makes it easier to stay in control, even when the performance takes unexpected turns.

If you want to see more of how I manage sound with Sound Show, subscribe to my YouTube channel and join the discussion on Discord!